Weekly linkdump (week 31)

AutoAnimate – Add motion to your apps with a single line of code
A zero-config, drop-in animation utility that automatically adds smooth transitions to your web app. Use it with React, Vue, Svelte, or …
Eight photo-centric social sites that are not Instagram
Show off your photography in these interesting alternatives to Instagram.
A TikTok Music app could challenge Spotify and Apple
TikTok might be working on a music streaming service.
How far can you get by train in 5h?
MillionJS: Virtual DOM into the future.
Qwik is Framework reimagined for the edge
Douglas Crockford: “The best thing we can do today to JavaScript is to retire it.”
We had a nice chat with Douglas Crockford, a well-known American computer programmer who was involved in the development of the JavaScri…
Analogue’s Pocket is finally getting its 1.1 update, though in beta to start
It’s finally here.
Meet the developers still making games for your calculator
A look at the thriving community developing games you can play in class
Why Microsoft Word is the best IDE for programming
In this video, I tell you the best IDE to use for programming. No matter what kind of programming you do.Music by Joy Ngiaw:https://www….
React components and hooks library with native dark theme support and focus on usability, accessibility and developer experience
Eugeny/tabby: A terminal for a more modern age
A terminal for a more modern age. Contribute to Eugeny/tabby development by creating an account on GitHub.
Adam Mosseri confirms it: Instagram is over
I guess I’ll stop doing this, too.
Beautiful open-source pixel-art icons.
Quick Explorer
Belgian take on GeoGuessr
Privacy Tools: Fight Mass Surveillance with Encryption
The most reliable source for privacy tools since 2015. Software, services and privacy guides to fight surveillance with encryption for
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